
Welcome to Quanloop, where we unlock short-term potential responsibly! We operate a suite of investment funds, focusing on carefully allocating capital to a variety of debt and equity projects across Europe. Our purpose is to establish a harmonious balance in the financial landscape, connecting end customers seeking financial resources with partners aspiring for diversified investment opportunities.

Structure of Limited Partnership Funds in Estonia

At the core of our structure, Quanloop OÜ serves as the General Partner of the funds, playing a pivotal role in steering the investment strategies, while osaühing QFM acts as the fund manager, overseeing the day-to-day operations and ensuring compliance with established guidelines.

Who is a Limited Partner?

A limited partner in our ecosystem is either a legal or natural person who owns a part of the fund and offers capital to Quanloop funds in the short term. Each limited partner plays a crucial role in fueling the funds by agreeing to lend subordinated loans, enabling the financing of diverse debt and equity projects. The position of a limited partner is significant yet defined, with their involvement being primarily financial, thus contributing to the flourishing of the investment landscape.

The Selective Approach

Quanloop prides itself on its selective approach, acknowledging that our investment model isn’t a universal fit for every investor. Becoming a partner requires an application, full verification, and an assessment of investment knowledge. Only upon approval can one access comprehensive information about the funds and make an informed, independent decision regarding investment. This process ensures alignment between the investment objectives of Quanloop and the aspirations of our partners.

The Quanloop Company Structure

Founded in 2019 by Estonian entrepreneurs Valentin Ivanov and Rene Rattur, Quanloop has grown into a robust business group comprising various entities, including Quanloop Group OÜ, Quanloop OÜ, QFM OÜ, a list of borrowing and lending funds, and commercial borrowers. Each entity plays a distinct role within the structure, contributing to the seamless operation and strategic investment approach that Quanloop is known for.

How does Financing Work?

Daily, Quanloop engages in borrowing capital from its partners, investing in a spectrum of senior debts such as business credit, leasing, and factoring. The capital is invested according to our partners‘ risk appetite in projects within the European Union. These subordinated loan agreements of one euro principal are concluded for 24 hours and redeemed by Quanloop the following day, adding an underwriting reserve for extra liquidity. Once the projects are repaid, the returns flow back to the partners‘ accounts.

In Conclusion

Navigating through Quanloop’s structure and financing model might seem intricate, but it’s designed with both simplicity and sophistication in mind, aiming to cater to our diverse community of investing partners. By maintaining clarity and fostering responsible investment practices, we aim to make Quanloop an accessible and rewarding experience for our partners across Europe.

Disclaimer: Some text on this website is purely for marketing communication. Nothing published by Quanloop constitutes an investment recommendation, nor should any data or content published by Quanloop be relied upon for any investment activities. Quanloop strongly recommends that you perform your own independent research or speak with a qualified investment professional before making any financial decision.